Monday, November 17, 2014

A VERB is a WORD it's an ACTION WORD....

So we are learning about the "ingredients" that good sentences include and VERBS has to be one of our favorites!  Here is the final product, but I've included what we did prior to our verb creations.

First, we found ways we could do ACTION verbs on the playground.  
Here is jumping!





We looked for verbs happening in artwork and shared what we discovered.

Then it was time to show an action verb by making a tin foil "person" which was challenging, but very fun!

Here it is again, our final giant VERB ART!
 Here are just a few close up,  I was impressed and the crew had a blast!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Turkeys in Disguise!

These turkeys look AMAZING and will certainly not be on the dinner table at Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veterans Day!  To prepare for this special holiday we spent yesterday learning about who a Veteran is and what they do.  We were so happy to have Mrs. Johnston with us for the entire day who is an Air Force Veteran.  The crew loved asking her questions!  We learned about the different branches in the military.  We brainstormed character traits of a Veteran and wrote letters to soldiers.  The crew had fun marching, learning to salute, singing a poem about how soldiers are brave, and even learning a marching cadence about place value. We read the book by Eve Bunting called, “The Wall.”  It was a day of realizing what Veterans have done for us and how thankful we are to them for protecting us.      


Thursday, November 6, 2014

How Sweet It Is...

How sweet it is to be world changers!  
Our crew collected 53 POUNDS of candy to "sell" back to a local dentist who will share the candy with soldiers!  We will have less  cavities, tummy aches, and our hearts are happier knowing we SHARED like Harriet finally did in the book, "Harriet's Halloween Candy."

AXIS Dancers

Today we had AXIS dance group at CCE!  They were inspiring and the crew LOVED the dances.  I'm wondering what dances we can now create!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Science Buddies!

The Pirate crew had a blast today learning about "Properties of Matter" with our 4th grade buddies!  I loved seeing my firsties sorting and asking questions. The 4th graders showed leadership and patience with the pirate crew! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pumpkin Math Fun!


They decided to count by tens. They had 676 seeds!

Presentation Time!



This is our crockpot pumpkin bread that took 3 hours to cook.

 Eighteen out of twenty voted that they liked it, then we

had fun graphing the results and writing our opinion of the pumpkin bread.


 Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting.  The crew LOVED them!

It was a sweet ending to a fun day of learning!