Monday, April 27, 2015

Tank Tops for Haiti

We are collecting Tank Tops to go to an orphanage in Haiti along with the help of Mrs. Seagle's 4th grade class!  The crew also created a video to share with other Cardinals in case they want to help.  Here is where people get to hang up the shirts they donate!

Parts of a Plant!

Students spent time deciding what part of the plant they had in their hand.


First guess.... 


                                                  Revising the evidence of learning after reading a                                                                                                        book.

Now it's time to eat!


 They didn't like everything...

Final answers!

Unpacking fruit!

We read this super cute book, then unpacked different fruit to find out how many seeds it had!



We looked at the properties for each seed!

Next, we recorded our data.

Finally we ATE it!! Yum!

Marshmallow 3 D shapes

Making 3-D shapes then eating them was fun.  The crew learned that some shapes were challenging to create, but they kept trying their best!!

An intern, Ms. Bachmann stopped by to make shapes with us!

More 3D shape FUN!!

Geoboard Shapes

Shapes are SO fun to learn with geoboards as tools.  We did this after reading the book, "The Greedy Triangle" in which a triangle wasn't content with just being a triangle.  He visits a shapeshifter again and again to try a new shape. Spoiler alert... In the end the triangle discovered that being "itself" was the best way to be!

Character Counts "Hello"

"C.C." short for the Character Counts Pillar stopped by last week to encourage us to choose trustworthiness, respectcaring,  fairnessresponsibility, and citizenship!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Meet the Artist- Mystery of the stolen artwork!

Today the crew learned about four famous stolen paintings that have never been recovered.  They had the opportunity to paint one of the four missing paintings or create their own artistic creation and they had a blast!