Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Strengths and Weaknesses

This Friday we had Pajama Day to celebrate the crew's awesomeness!  We also had Mrs. Brim arrive to do a special lesson.  She shared her strengths and weaknesses with the crew and wrote them down on a Jenga block.  She then gave them their own Jenga blocks so they could write two strengths and two weaknesses about themselves on the block.




Then the crew got SHARPIES with their block to write! (They did fabulous!)


Then it was time for every pirate to share and when they did they got to add their Jenga blog 
to our class statue.

Mrs. Brim carefully put the pieces together so they'd stay!  The crew got very creative with where they wanted their "piece" of the statue to be!


Here is the tower getting closer to completion!


Here is the crew excited to show off what we learned about from each other.  
We definitely learned that we ALL have amazing things about each of us
and we ALL have things we can work on about ourselves.


                          Here is the final statue!  We get to keep it in our classroom and remember
                                                         to celebrate each other!!



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