The math and fractions were the easy parts of the day. When I asked the crew to give everyone equal peeps THAT became the challenge. They didn't argue at all over color, size, shape, flavor. They had a challenging time divding up the peeps.
Some groups took their total peeps and kept giving each pirate one until they had leftovers and then they had to think about what to do!
This group had TWO peeps left over and they couldn't decide what to do. I had to giggle because the two with the extra peeps offered to throw theirs away or eat them so that it was equal. It was a challenge to explain that wasn't the idea I was looking for so they kept at it and eventually came up with a solution that was fair!
This group avoided the above scenario by simply dividing EVERY peep into thirds! I loved that they found solutions and didn't give up!
Now came the next challenge. Everyone had to switch their job roles for this task. The challenge was to build the biggest palace for their "peep." I so enjoyed watching the problem solving they did.
Voted the top two biggest palaces!
The winning palace voted on by the crew! They even managed to include picture frames and a water fountain in their palace!
Finally, they reflected on how their group worked together and rated their group! The crew loved this activity. Some asked for us to please do it AGAIN sometime because they already had new ideas from doing this they wanted to try. I'd say that was a very successful STEM project! (Science,Technology, Engineering & Math)